The Best Rate Team

Denise Budney

Mortgage Broker

The Best Rate Mortgage Team is lead by Denise Budney who has worked with Financial Advisors and their clients for a number of years as the Mortgage Specialist for Investors Group. Denise has been a licensed Mortgage Broker since 1998 and during that time has provided mortgages to thousands of clients, many of which have become friends and return clients. Denise has also worked with and coached many Financial Advisors on how to compete with the bank in using the mortgage as the anchoring product for Financial Advisors to build their book of business.

Bernie Budney

Mortgage Broker

Bernie Budney joined the team six years ago. Bernie started his career with the commercial credit department of Shell Canada and has worked in senior roles with a number of banks and fortune 500 companies. He ended his banking career as the Assistant Vice President of the mortgage division for a Canadian Chartered Bank. With over 25 years of experience in Commercial Credit, Agricultural Lending and Private Lending, Bernie is able to offer a wide variety of lending solutions for Corporate and Business For Self clients and is called upon by a number of Lawyers and Accountants to help their clients with their financing needs.

Kristin Budney

Social Media and Marketing Manager

Kristin Budney has been around mortgages her entire life. This combined with her wealth of experience on Social Media and the Internet has made her a perfect fit for the position of Marketing Manager for the Best Rate Mortgage Team. 

Cali Budney

CBO – Chief Barking Officer

Cali is the CBO of our company (Chief Barking Officer) and head of Security. She can sometimes be heard in the background barking out orders to make sure things are running smoothly. She puts in long hours in the office as well as works from home on the weekends juggling her roles of CBO and head of Security.

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