Mortgage Refinancing

When you break your mortgage contract to renew your mortgage at a new rate and a new term, you’re faced with a prepayment charge to reimburse your financial institution for the lost interest income. We can find a lender that will pay some of your penalty charges.

Should you break your mortgage for a lower rate?

The answer is both yes and no. When you break your mortgage contract to renew your mortgage at a new rate and a new term, you’re faced with a prepayment charge to reimburse your financial institution for the lost interest income. As a basic rule of thumb, the prepayment charge is based on three months interest or the interest rate differential (that’s the difference between you present mortgage rate for the balance of your term and the current rate you want to take out), whichever is greater.

What about Penalties and Prepayment Charges?

The amount of the prepayment charge will tell you whether or not you should renegotiate your interest rate. Generally speaking, the shorter your remaining term – ideally less than a year – the smaller the penalty, and the more attractive early renewal becomes. On the other hand, the longer the term left on your mortgage, the greater the prepayment penalties, which makes early renewal less desirable.

The Best Rate can find a lender that will pay some of your penalty charges

We can find you a lender that will actually pay some or all of your penalty to get your mortgage business… let us show you how! We can calculate the payments and charges for you. Since we have information on most lenders, we can easily make the calculations to determine if you should break your mortgage to take advantage of current lower rates. We’ll make your decision making easy for you.

We run a mortgage analysis on your mortgage, and when the current discounted rates are lower than your existing mortgage, and the savings is greater than your early renewal penalty, we will notify you of the opportunity to switch your mortgage and save money. It’s that simple. You choose when and where you switch your mortgage. There are NO fees to you, only a savings in mortgage interest.

Call The Best Rate Mortgage Team Today for a Free Consultation

This offers an outline of the steps involved when buying a home and qualifying for a mortgage. But it has probably left you with a few questions. We would love to hear from you – please take the time to Contact Us if you have questions.